Alan - 1
Amanda - 1
Andy - 1
Brianni - 3
Carol - 1
Danelle - 3
Kevin - 1
Kim Knight - 10
Lewis - 1
Mattie - 9
Meagan - 1
Nakoya - 1
Nick - 2
Olumide - 2
Samuel - 2
Sydnie - 2
Tameka - 1
Yvonne - 2
Alex - 0
John - 0
Mary - 0
Alan - 1
Amanda - 1
Andy - 1
Brianni - 3
Carol - 1
Danelle - 3
Kevin - 1
Kim Knight - 10
Lewis - 1
Mattie - 9
Meagan - 1
Nakoya - 1
Nick - 2
Olumide - 2
Samuel - 2
Sydnie - 2
Tameka - 1
Yvonne - 2
Alex - 0
John - 0
Mary - 0
FIRST PLACE: Kim Knight!
THIRD PLACE TIE: Danelle and Brianni!
Sorry, I had to have a little fun with that. But honestly, thank you all for commenting, reading, and making this a wonderful class. In light of the Christmas season, I believe in giving. And sometimes, giving is just saying a kind word to someone. Therefore, I have decided to dedicate my last class blog to all of you, and give you each a kind word on my page. An honest, kind word. This is merely by alphabetical order, and what short snapshots I got from the class.
Alan: You're an awesome and loyal Texas Ranger's fan and I high five you! (Virtually, of course). I think you stand for awesome morals and you're dedicated to your studies and work in general. I'm also jealous of your job - ha!
Alex: You're a quiet one, but you're full of knowledge and fun facts. You're also pretty hilarious. You're always back there in that chair, smiling about something going on. I really enjoyed when you would talk to me about something I had brought up, it always made me feel like someone was listening to me! Keep up the geekiness- long live the geekiness!
Amanda: I respect that you're proud, loud, and can be yourself no matter what stands in your way. You're so energetic and even though you bring the conversation out of focus sometimes, you always bring fun points to the table while doing so! I love your famous, "this is so off topic guys, but..." I know you're pumped about your job and I wish you the best in your exciting position!
Andy: You're just hilarious. I'm really happy you get my jokes and ridiculousness. Also that you love Invader Zim like I do. When you knew who Gir was, I knew it was instant friendship. You have awesome ideas and I thought your war collectors book was awesome. You're dynamic and smart and fun to be around!
Brianni: I see you as a beautiful, strong, intelligent woman, who always brings the conversation in class to a calming. You're like the mother bear that ends the fight and puts everyone in time out. Or a mother in general, having the last word when her children fight. I love it. It's like, "hush everyone, Brianni has spoken. This shall be so." Ha it's awesome. I have enjoyed you in class and your views.
Carol: I really enjoy your company and our conversations. You're passionate, smart, and a very deep thinker. I love how you dedicate yourself to your work and try to find new ideas. You do not let people step on you just because you have a different opinion than they do. I am glad you stand your ground and state your opinion no matter what. I've loved being in class with you!
Danelle: Thanks for putting up with sitting my me most of the semester. You're a fun roomie and I see how diligently you work on your studies. I know you're a woman of morals and you are a good one. You're always there for me when I need you. You're a great friend and classmate. I will also never forget our game of Cranium when you were humming to Nathan. Ha!
John: I just think you're so smart and intertwined in the depths and wires of technology, that you're bored with course work. That is my honest opinion. You should already be a millionaire. You're just really smart and laid back. I feel like you can read computers minds. You also have a quirky sense of humor.
Kevin: You're so passionate! That's an awesome quality to have. You're also very dedicated to your work, your beliefs, and opinions. However, you can be open-minded to the ideas of others as well. I think it is amazing that you ride the dart and do not own a car. That is so unique, and always makes you stand out in the crowd. It's very admirable that you do that.
Kim Knight: What can I say except that you're an awesome instructor! I really have enjoyed your class and everyone in it. I hope you have enjoyed everyone just as much. Instead of textsfromlastnight, we should have a web site called tweetsfromlastnight and dedicate to your EMAC classes. What do you think? Should I market it? Ha. I love your sense of humor and you do your best to stay unbiased about subjects in class, and let the discussion flow through the students. Thank you for this class experience.
Lewis: You're hilarious. I love your jokes and your sense of humor in general. Most people smile when they are telling jokes, but you usually make people think you'll say something serious, but it is a joke. I love being surprised by a good joke or funny line, and you always have them for me. I loved the Sinbad comment tonight, really took me back! You're just a funny guy and I love to see your opinions on gossip and anything else!
Mary: You're so quiet, then out of nowhere, you comment and you are heard! You are the ultimate geek. When I say geek, I do not mean that rude, that is a term of endearment coming from me. Without you, I would have never discovered Meebo, and I love Meebo!
Mattie: You're just awesome. What can I say? You're the top commenter on my blog, right under Kim, and that's just amazing in itself. I can't tell you how upset I am that my first two comments did not post. If I would have known that I would have been commenting earlier today. I will make it up to you! I do love to hear your funnies and contributions to conversations. I also love your bear pencils, those rock!
Meagan: Now the first thing that pops into my mind when I think of you is your presentation and aboriginals. I also find it hilarious that you and Lewis tweet each other when you sit next to each other. You're always smiling, you should definitely receive the happy award!
Nakoya: Oh girl, I just knew we were gonna be friends the first day of class. You are hilarious, I always love a joke coming from you, or anything for that matter. Seriously, if I need someone to put me in a good mood, I will come to you. There's just something about you that puts people in a good mood. Whether it be your humor or mad photography skills, it's something. You're awesome, and I can't wait for my Christmas photos!
Nick: Meagan gets the girl smiling award, and you get the guys! You're always cheesing when I talk to you. I know you were talking to Danelle tonight, and there wasn't a second you didn't have a smile on your face. You made me want to smile because you smile so much. You're always the first to finish an assignment, and that takes talent! You're ahead of the game, we could all take lessons for that!
Olumide: You're so funny. I think we have the exact same sense of humor. Is that calling myself funny? Maybe. Who knows? However, you should know that you are hilarious. Your presentation blog post just made my day. Your presentation in general just made my day. I think when we were in a group together we did grand. You're super!
Samuel: You're a cool cat as well. You used to hang out and sit by me and Tameka, but I guess you became allergic to us. Ha. We were a super analytical team in class ! You were the first person to friend me on Facebook from class! You're awesome and I'll always enjoy your Facebook posts, the ones I can ready anyway!
Sydnie: Oh geez, what can I say? You have so many amazing quotes from class that I can't just pick one. However, I think I'm going to have to go with, "Why you putting 22's on your car when you haven't even paid the car off?" Oh I couldn't stop laughing. I'm going to miss your opinions, jokes, and great ideas. Also your tweets of class.
Tameka: Well, you're my friend and classmate, this is something you know. Thanks for putting up with me all semester while sitting by me, and taking break walks with me to the candy machine. I always love our little traveling conversations. You always understand my humor, no matter what, and that takes someone awesome. I'm glad we're buddies!
Yvonne: You're such a beautiful, sweet, smart, and creative lady. I can tell you have culture, ethic, and morals as well. You don't let people get in your way of what you want to achieve, and you're not afraid to say it how you think. I wish I could have had more conversations with you. You're awesome!
Thank you all for commenting, and the wonderful discussions in class. Remember, without EMAC, we wouldn't have been there in class together all semester! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Maybe we'll have more classes together!