Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Jobs In New Media

Where are the jobs/careers? I always see job postings for computer scientists, IT specialists, programmers, engineers, etc. However, has anyone seen any for social media specialists, video editors, photographers, or anything else related to EMAC? Just a question I ran over in my head today while searching multiple job sites.

Are we becoming educated in a field that has more use for the future than the now? When you analyze the title of the program, yes, it seems that way. However, media is already emerging, so there should be companies that need bright young minds for positions in this field. Has anyone else had this thought or experience? People might find a job related to the field, but not right up their alley. I'm curious to know if anyone has found the perfect job/career they were looking for in this field. 

On top of all of these questions, I believe my Macbook Pro is freaking out lately, which might put an end to my career as we know it! Just kidding, I have the Applecare plan. We all need insurance for everything in our lives, or they get us every time!

I know this post is shorter than most, and probably not enough words, but I thought it was a very good simple question that should be addressed. So, experiences/thoughts anyone?


  1. To answer your question about jobs: The # of companies you see with social media campaigns is but a minuscule fraction of companies that exist. I think that right now you, and I, and all EMAC students have the opportunity to create careers. Which is a challenge. We'll have to enlighten people on what we do and how it's beneficial to have us, but I think it's worth it. To be able to carve out your own little place. Establish your own worth.

  2. Actually, I have seen several companies advertising for experts in social media. In fact, it's the reason why I was so excited to start the program because one company I would LOVE to work for was advertising for a social media expert position. At the time I was waiting to hear whether or not I had gotten accepted into the program, and I kept thinking, my degree would be perfect for this position, if only I had it already. I think there are jobs out there, you'll just have to look. Or, like Brianni said, you might have to create jobs and inform companies of the benefits your knowledge can give them in these new technologies.

  3. Dearest #EMAC6300 Colleagues,
    This post touches my heart and makes me want to send you all a basket of cookies! I am so glad Cales decided to approach this topic and I want to delve into this deeper. Careers, especially in this economy, as we all know are some tough things to come buy but I could not agree more with BN and Mattie. Stay your course, earn this MASTER's degree and in the mean time supplement every work experience you have by tying the Emerging Media/Communications concepts we're learning to your work.
    I divert back to Why an EMAC M.A. and ask some similar questions; let get a 'New Media Job' discussion going. What other key words can we search for that might lead us to exciting opportunities where we will find a way to incorporate these mad, marketing/communications skills?

    This blog posts rocks my world... I invite all and one from near and far to join in on this conversation and contribute their thoughts! Great job C!

    To fix the Mac Book scenario - take a look at this Blog post which was a life saver for me and then download the item 'AppCleaner' which is linked in the post; I'll show you how it works tomorrow in class ...
    'How to Uninstall Programs On Mac' via @techiebuzzer

  4. Fantastic question CH...your question is valid. However, we are what is coming into focus now. Like Brianni mentioned, the majority of companies have not yet embraced social media as a marketing tool yet. However, what we are learning in EMAC is that it is an excellent marketing tool and one, if used properly can also be a very powerful tool. No worries my friend, they will come looking for us soon enough.
