Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Last, Dedicated to the Class

This was my final list of people who commented and did not on my blog. I made a list of those who did and did not, and thought to do so in the Christmas spirit! These were the results for the semester:
Alan - 1
Amanda - 1
Andy - 1
Brianni - 3
Carol - 1
Danelle - 3
Kevin - 1
Kim Knight - 10
Lewis - 1
Mattie - 9
Meagan - 1
Nakoya - 1
Nick - 2
Olumide - 2
Samuel - 2
Sydnie - 2
Tameka - 1
Yvonne - 2

Alex - 0
John - 0
Mary - 0

FIRST PLACE: Kim Knight!
THIRD PLACE TIE: Danelle and Brianni! 

Sorry, I had to have a little fun with that. But honestly, thank you all for commenting, reading, and making this a wonderful class. In light of the Christmas season, I believe in giving. And sometimes, giving is just saying a kind word to someone. Therefore, I have decided to dedicate my last class blog to all of you, and give you each a kind word on my page. An honest, kind word. This is merely by alphabetical order, and what short snapshots I got from the class. 

Alan: You're an awesome and loyal Texas Ranger's fan and I high five you! (Virtually, of course). I think you stand for awesome morals and you're dedicated to your studies and work in general. I'm also jealous of your job - ha!

Alex: You're a quiet one, but you're full of knowledge and fun facts. You're also pretty hilarious. You're always back there in that chair, smiling about something going on. I really enjoyed when you would talk to me about something I had brought up, it always made me feel like someone was listening to me! Keep up the geekiness- long live the geekiness!

Amanda: I respect that you're proud, loud, and can be yourself no matter what stands in your way. You're so energetic and even though you bring the conversation out of focus sometimes, you always bring fun points to the table while doing so! I love your famous, "this is so off topic guys, but..." I know you're pumped about your job and I wish you the best in your exciting position!

Andy: You're just hilarious. I'm really happy you get my jokes and ridiculousness. Also that you love Invader Zim like I do. When you knew who Gir was, I knew it was instant friendship. You have awesome ideas and I thought your war collectors book was awesome. You're dynamic and smart and fun to be around!
Brianni: I see you as a beautiful, strong, intelligent woman, who always brings the conversation in class to a calming. You're like the mother bear that ends the fight and puts everyone in time out. Or a mother in general, having the last word when her children fight. I love it. It's like, "hush everyone, Brianni has spoken. This shall be so." Ha it's awesome. I have enjoyed you in class and your views.

Carol: I really enjoy your company and our conversations. You're passionate, smart, and a very deep thinker. I love how you dedicate yourself to your work and try to find new ideas. You do not let people step on you just because you have a different opinion than they do. I am glad you stand your ground and state your opinion no matter what. I've loved being in class with you!

Danelle: Thanks for putting up with sitting my me most of the semester. You're a fun roomie and I see how diligently you work on your studies. I know you're a woman of morals and you are a good one. You're always there for me when I need you. You're a great friend and classmate. I will also never forget our game of Cranium when you were humming to Nathan. Ha!

John: I just think you're so smart and intertwined in the depths and wires of technology, that you're bored with course work. That is my honest opinion. You should already be a millionaire. You're just really smart and laid back. I feel like you can read computers minds. You also have a quirky sense of humor.

Kevin: You're so passionate! That's an awesome quality to have. You're also very dedicated to your work, your beliefs, and opinions. However, you can be open-minded to the ideas of others as well. I think it is amazing that you ride the dart and do not own a car. That is so unique, and always makes you stand out in the crowd. It's very admirable that you do that.

Kim Knight: What can I say except that you're an awesome instructor! I really have enjoyed your class and everyone in it. I hope you have enjoyed everyone just as much. Instead of textsfromlastnight, we should have a web site called tweetsfromlastnight and dedicate to your EMAC classes. What do you think? Should I market it? Ha. I love your sense of humor and you do your best to stay unbiased about subjects in class, and let the discussion flow through the students. Thank you for this class experience.

Lewis: You're hilarious. I love your jokes and your sense of humor in general. Most people smile when they are telling jokes, but you usually make people think you'll say something serious, but it is a joke. I love being surprised by a good joke or funny line, and you always have them for me. I loved the Sinbad comment tonight, really took me back! You're just a funny guy and I love to see your opinions on gossip and anything else!

Mary: You're so quiet, then out of nowhere, you comment and you are heard! You are the ultimate geek. When I say geek, I do not mean that rude, that is a term of endearment coming from me. Without you, I would have never discovered Meebo, and I love Meebo!

Mattie: You're just awesome. What can I say? You're the top commenter on my blog, right under Kim, and that's just amazing in itself. I can't tell you how upset I am that my first two comments did not post. If I would have known that I would have been commenting earlier today. I will make it up to you! I do love to hear your funnies and contributions to conversations. I also love your bear pencils, those rock!

Meagan: Now the first thing that pops into my mind when I think of you is your presentation and aboriginals. I also find it hilarious that you and Lewis tweet each other when you sit next to each other. You're always smiling, you should definitely receive the happy award!

Nakoya: Oh girl, I just knew we were gonna be friends the first day of class. You are hilarious, I always love a joke coming from you, or anything for that matter. Seriously, if I need someone to put me in a good mood, I will come to you. There's just something about you that puts people in a good mood. Whether it be your humor or mad photography skills, it's something. You're awesome, and I can't wait for my Christmas photos!

Nick: Meagan gets the girl smiling award, and you get the guys! You're always cheesing when I talk to you. I know you were talking to Danelle tonight, and there wasn't a second you didn't have a smile on your face. You made me want to smile because you smile so much. You're always the first to finish an assignment, and that takes talent! You're ahead of the game, we could all take lessons for that!

Olumide: You're so funny. I think we have the exact same sense of humor. Is that calling myself funny? Maybe. Who knows? However, you should know that you are hilarious. Your presentation blog post just made my day. Your presentation in general just made my day. I think when we were in a group together we did grand. You're super!

Samuel: You're a cool cat as well. You used to hang out and sit by me and Tameka, but I guess you became allergic to us. Ha. We were a super analytical team in class ! You were the first person to friend me on Facebook from class! You're awesome and I'll always enjoy your Facebook posts, the ones I can ready anyway!

Sydnie: Oh geez, what can I say? You have so many amazing quotes from class that I can't just pick one. However, I think I'm going to have to go with, "Why you putting 22's on your car when you haven't even paid the car off?" Oh I couldn't stop laughing. I'm going to miss your opinions, jokes, and great ideas. Also your tweets of class.

Tameka: Well, you're my friend and classmate, this is something you know. Thanks for putting up with me all semester while sitting by me, and taking break walks with me to the candy machine. I always love our little traveling conversations. You always understand my humor, no matter what, and that takes someone awesome. I'm glad we're buddies!

Yvonne: You're such a beautiful, sweet, smart, and creative lady. I can tell you have culture, ethic, and morals as well. You don't let people get in your way of what you want to achieve, and you're not afraid to say it how you think. I wish I could have had more conversations with you. You're awesome!

Thank you all for commenting, and the wonderful discussions in class. Remember, without EMAC, we wouldn't have been there in class together all semester! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Maybe we'll have more classes together!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Spy...

      My presentation for the week is based on multiple readings regarding locational privacy, rights for social network users, paranoia in the fiber optic age, and some form of privacy being reached by certain web sites.

Power and Paranoia in the Age of Fiber Optics - Introduction by Wendy Hui Kyong Chun
      This piece started out very interesting, discussing the differences between freedom and liberty. The introduction also talked about a paranoia of believing data is ever erased from any electronic devices. Who is out there watching you while you're at school, an ATM, outside, inside, or in your car? This piece also discusses how fiber optics buried underground, all over the world, transform the world into a type of motherboard.
       Now people can also be watched at home on their computer, even if they are just playing Solitaire. I have a friend who once hacked into our mutual friend's computer and could watch what he did at any moment, and even delete his files or go through them. It had nothing to do with sharing internet connections, it was merely because of a program, a sniffer that the introduction talks about.
       After this section of privacy and wandering eyes, the introduction shifted to technology and the internet as sexuality, and paralleling it to electronics in sexual positions. I was a bit disturbed, intrigued, and lost during this time. I did enjoy the first section though.

A Bill of Rights for Social Network Users, Commentary by Kurt Opsahl
      This short article online suggests that users should be more aware of their privacy settings on social networking sites, and demand more control over them. This topic also rolls over into the next article.

On Locational Privacy, and How to Avoid Losing it Forever
      This is the article I mainly wanted to focus on, because this topic has blown up so big since this article was written in August 2009. It is a very interesting topic, and very creepy at that. To think that someone out there, you might not know who, and in multiple databases, has information about your locations. They might know where you ate that day, who you talked to, if you went to the doctor, what highways you were on and what time, if you were at work, at a hotel when you weren't supposed to be, and where you like to eat and how often. There are ways to get around locational privacy, but the companies do not want to participate in securing the privacy of users of applications. Every time you use your phone to find a place near you to eat, that is being written down somewhere. Why do they need to know where you're eating? To target you to spend more money, and to build the most popular businesses around the best areas for the market. Here is a question: is this good or bad? Would you like to have what you love the most right by your house? Or would it just encourage you to spend more money eating out and not cooking at home? What are the good and bad about locational databases?
Here are some questions from my Prezi Presentation.
  1. When do you consider locational data tracking useful/good?
  2. When is it invasive/bad?
  3. Have you thought much about this issue before now?
  4. Does this data sharing bother you?
The ironic thing about this questions, is that they are also data. This is not a closed, private site. So if you do not want to answer those questions in a comment, feel free not to.
This YouTube video relates to this topic.

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofit Organizations Can Use Social Media to Power Social Networks for Change
      However taboo this topic is, and even though I do not want to touch on it: the main message of the blog was understood. Women and men who have experienced abortion can go to the web site below and discuss their thoughts and experiences, and not be judged for them. They have an online community dedicated to those who have experienced abortion and need to reach out to someone. In the blog they do not use anyone's name, anyone's story, or even post the web site information. The site takes a stand against social media sites that share information. They are showing that an online community can be created and function, without the expense of the members and their personal stories and information.There is no personal information on the web site itself, and I found it pretty easily on Google, so "not finding it"  did not work.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

iPod, Generation 1000

      I love Macintosh as much as the next geek, but I must say that one thing annoys me. Apple is always coming out with a new iPod, iMac, Macbook, etc, every few months it seems. I remember when I got my first iPod touch. It was August 2007, but two weeks after I purchased mine, the second generation came out, with speakers and sound. I wasn't too happy about that. Should I have researched it more? Probably. However, like many college students, I didn't.
      My question is, are the generations developing too quickly? If I was not in the emerging media world, I would be lost already in the changes, that is for sure. Many people do not even know what generation to buy, what generation is the newest, or what is going on. Also, it seems as though the newest generation only has a few extra perks than the last most of the time. It seems when I go to Apple's web site, that I find something "new and innovative'.
       How fast is too fast? How much time is enough time for people to soak in the new information and product? It seems that just as people start accepting the new product, another generation comes out. Of course people find out about new products via commercials, but what about those that do not watch much television? Would generations be more "special" if they only came out every two years or more? I think the marketing would be more effective and the products would sell even more than they would now. If people had the chance to buy the current generation, but had to wait a few years to get the new one, then it would be a big marketing release for the new products. It would be more exciting and easier to keep up with for the average person. A big marketed release every few years would be a much bigger and exciting deal than a new release every couple months. Perhaps this is just my opinion, but I am interested to know how everyone else feels about this idea.
      I feel that people become overwhelmed with too much product and product information, that sometimes they make uninformed decisions because there is too much to soak in. As Americans, the lazy thing to do is take someone else's word for it, or just take what is in front of you and what is available. If people had more time to soak in the knowledge of the product, talk to their friends and family about it, and research it themselves, then the products would produce a steady cash flow. Apple cannot just account for the early adopters and such, they must also include the laggards.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I think I'm getting Carpal Tunnel in my elbow.

      I know what you're thinking, what does this have to do with media?! Well. Let me explain. I got into a wreck yesterday, and have been dealing with it ever since. I was talking and said, "My rental car doesn't even come with power locks or windows." Danelle then said, "We are so spoiled." Then it hit me, I used to be ecstatic just to have a vehicle, now I'm whining because it doesn't have electronic locks and windows? I was griping about how we're too dependent on technology earlier this semester, then I do it myself without realizing it! I told my friend Sofia, "I didn't even know they still made these types of cars."
      It's amazing to me that power locks and windows are a norm for people now, when five years ago it wouldn't have been the case. People have gotten so dependent, even on a little thing like power locks and windows in a car, that it takes us by surprise when we have to put effort into rolling down a window or unlocking the doors for passengers. Has media contributed to this? What do you think? I think there is a link between the two. Even the officer's car was nicer than mine, and had electronics all inside the dashboard and there he had a laptop hooked up to all of it. I know how it all works, but it still boggles my mind when I'm in the situation and have to experience each step first hand.
      Every step of the process was done electronically. The accident information is put into a report on a computer by the officer. I can then access the information from the report online, and pay the ticket online, or anything else regarding that online. I can then reserve a rental car online, talk to a representative on the phone with a number I found online, and then go in person to pick up the car. I even found the best guy to fix it online. Reviews online helped with that. All of this was done via media and technology. I think I have 3 papers from the accident, the rest is electronic.

That is the link to the best auto body shop I have ever come in contact with. Amazing owner.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Media and Marketing

So, now that I have my new job at Fossil at Northpark, I must say it really changed my view of the mall, stores, and marketing in general. I did not know the extent that stores/companies go through to change their sets during the holidays. It sent my mind spiraling into the process of supply and demand, but more importantly, how people know sales and new items are available. Then my manager showed me the web site for Fossil, and they have flash on it. It's incredible how every single little piece of different mediums come together to represent a whole brand.
The orders trickle down from corporate, down to the newbie sales associate stocking the back room. Everyone there was hustling around like worker ants, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. The whole look of the store had to match the web site, and all of the physical store items fit into a little place on the web for people to browse.
There are so many details in media, marketing, branding, etc, that companies have to think of in order to sale new ideas successfully. Every detail must be perfect, from the small ribbons around the Christmas presents, to the way scarves hang from their shelves. All of these tiny details add to the experience and encourages people to feel the vibe of the Christmas season before it is even Thanksgiving.
Here is the big question. Do you think the companies would be as successful with a smaller budget for television commercials, magazines, the computers used to make the seasonal art and props, the models, and the web site? Please add your thoughts and add to the media marketing concepts.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wouldn't it be nice?

      This title reminds me of the Beach Boys, but it came to mind when reading Pierre Lévy's Collective Intelligence. Each person sums up their own interpretation of the chapters and what it means to them, and to me it seems that Lévy was dead on about many subjects, but I also disagreed with him on some ideas.

      Lévy discusses space, from the beginning of time. The first space created was Earth. The second space created was territorial space: our addresses, phone numbers, property, etc. The third space was commodity space: where we work, what we own, who we are outside of work, etc. He then goes on to discuss how society can bring all these spaces together, not to rid society of those former spaces, but to develop a new space with all aspects of space together - Cyberspace.
      He states that no one is ignorant, that everyone serves a purpose, and that people should basically be viewed as individual bundles of knowledge. Everyone can learn from the knowledge of someone else about an issue they have no experience with, it does not matter if that person has a degree or not. He says everyone knows about something, but no one knows everything, which I believe to be very true.

            "In the age of knowledge, failure to recognize the other as an intelligent being is to deny him a true social identity. It feeds resentment and hostility, the humiliation and frustration from which violence is born." (p. 15)

      This is when I thought, wouldn't it be nice? Wouldn't it be nice if we could see each other in that light? Wouldn't it be nice if there were no issues or stereotypes of race, ideology, economic status, sexuality,  or dogma? However, everyone would have to read this book, understand it, and believe in it, is that not correct? That is the only problem. People can't see eye to eye on issues to even see eye to eye in general.  I think it would be a brilliant idea, to live in a place where everyone can just bring a different knowledge of life to the table, and learn from it. Even if people do not agree on issues, that knowledge can be taken, learned from, and passed on. The world will never view any issue the same though, and that is the sad fact. Cyberspace cannot even fix so many world differences. Countries or places that are less technologically savvy and advanced may not even accept Cyberspace, or believe in the view as a whole to first try it.
      Lévy also discusses voting, groups, and protesting. He writes that slogans for campaigns or any protest yelled in numbers are oversimplified, masking divergence and failing to integrate the differences that individualize everyone. I don't think joining a group for an issue someone is passionate about makes them any less of an individual. Being part of a certain group could be part of what someone believes in, making them more of who they are. He says the shouts eventually become monotonous. Many things become monotonous over time, but does that depreciate their meaning or significance? Just because two people have a major issue or concern in common which they are protesting or striving for, they are not masking who they are. Those issues are just something they are  passionate about. Not everything in the world can be about an individual, that would be selfishness, defeating the whole purpose of the book. Groups are important as well. Groups unify people and create relationships.
      Then I thought, maybe I am reading this wrong, because I have agreed with him up until these points. Or was I just accepting his knowledge as he intended, even though I disagreed, and moving forward without judgment? Does Lévy just imply that those who read the book try this way of thinking, and "pay it forward?" The readings imply many ways of thinking and many directions could be taken to interpret the chapters. Maybe that is the ironic twist of it all. He is trying to demonstrate that just by different people reading this book, different knowledge is created and different ideas are shared about the readings. They are all different interpretations, but they are all knowledge. Clever Lévy, very clever.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sincerely, From Droid X

This important blog is coming to you from the Droid X. Well, technically it's from me, but I am using my phone to write this post. I was downloading apps the other day for my Droid X, when it hit me, to try and write a blog post using it. Therefore, forgive any typos, as this is an experiment.

Using this new media, and comparing it with using a traditional computer for posting, I can honestly say I'm a faster typist on the computer. Also, I had no idea that my little (depending how you view it ) phone had so many possibilities. This thing can do so much and it is so complex. It has so many apps. I can find my phone through GPS if it is stolen, I can text a special phrase to my phone to start ringing if I lose it, and I can even take pictures of things I can't describe and search for them on Google. Ridiculous. The world is at my figertips, literally. It has to blow my grandparents minds if it blows mine, because I grew up using computers, and I am still amazed at the possibilities.

I can find he nearest stores, restaurants, navigate to them with my free Google Maps GPS, and check scores on ESPN any time of the day. I would never have made it not knowing some of those scores! I can keep all my dog's information from birth in my phone, and have all her information any time I need it. I can check my heart rate, eat healthy, call people on Skype from my phone, and chat with them too. I can check for dangerous weather instantly, read the news, watch television, or even movies. I can check my car speed, see if a surface is level, and entertain friends with a random facts app.

The possibilities are endless. I know that many people already know the capabilities for these smart phones, and I thought I did, but now it is just such a big concept to wrap my head around. It's fascinating. No matter how much I love my Droid X, I will probably use my Mac for posting blogs from now on. I'm glad computers aren't going anywhere for a long time.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Jobs In New Media

Where are the jobs/careers? I always see job postings for computer scientists, IT specialists, programmers, engineers, etc. However, has anyone seen any for social media specialists, video editors, photographers, or anything else related to EMAC? Just a question I ran over in my head today while searching multiple job sites.

Are we becoming educated in a field that has more use for the future than the now? When you analyze the title of the program, yes, it seems that way. However, media is already emerging, so there should be companies that need bright young minds for positions in this field. Has anyone else had this thought or experience? People might find a job related to the field, but not right up their alley. I'm curious to know if anyone has found the perfect job/career they were looking for in this field. 

On top of all of these questions, I believe my Macbook Pro is freaking out lately, which might put an end to my career as we know it! Just kidding, I have the Applecare plan. We all need insurance for everything in our lives, or they get us every time!

I know this post is shorter than most, and probably not enough words, but I thought it was a very good simple question that should be addressed. So, experiences/thoughts anyone?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Facebook; we all have it, or most of us, and we all use it for different reasons. Some people use it to keep up with friends or family, network, or to meet people. However, do you ever wonder how many people use it to "creep?"

Creeping: The act of spying on people for a variety of reasons, for personal satisfaction or gain.

I made that definition up, but it's pretty accurate, for slang anyway. There have been studies that show when people are in relationships, or interested in someone, that their Facebook usage increases and with that their jealousy increases of their partner's Facebook.

Facebook increases curiosity of people in casual romantic relationships, or in people just interested in one another. However, the longer the relationship, and the more serious, the less likely "creeping" is to happen. People in long term relationships must feel more secure with their partner than those in just casual relationships.

I just thought it was interesting. I've fallen victim to this action, and it quite frankly sucks! I hate checking up to see what someone I like is doing, but it seems your fingers just take control and perform the action all by themselves sometimes. Liking someone is not always fun, because you think about them and wonder what they are doing, so you check up on them. I hate it! Some people don't mind, but I hate the feeling of liking someone, not being in control of it, and just really wanting to know what they are up to and what they are thinking. It's especially horrible because you can't help who you like most of the time.

Then you have the parental creeping. Parents creep on their children, yet college students want to have freedom from them. Once people are older, your parents being your friends on Facebook isn't that bad, but when you're young and making stupid mistakes, you just want to make them in peace, with no consequence.

There are all kinds of creeping, however, it is important kids, to creep responsibly. Don't overdue it, or you could be deemed a stalker. A creeper is always cooler than a stalker. I think.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Music to Our Ears

      I was just thinking, what would life be like without music and the progression of music videos? It is very rare that you run across someone who does not like music at all. Everyone has some kind of music they enjoy listening to. My question is, what is it that draws people to the kind of music they love? Is it a music video message? Is it the rhythm, the lyrics, the members of the band, or just popularity? Granted I would not be able to know the answer without research, but it is interesting.

      For instance, I love the video below for the following reasons: I can relate to the lyrics (I am a huge lyrics person), I love Tyler Glenn's voice, I love his beautiful face and his demeanor. The song is catchy, and I found a certain version of the song that is so much more passionate and personal. The mainstream version is amazing, and I really enjoy that one, but the lighter version filmed by occidental saloon is more my style. However, if I had never found this video, it might not have impacted me so much. I can see the passion in his face, and that he wrote this song and believes in it. I love that he writes his own songs and shows passion. However, some people wouldn't feel the same way.

      It is just amazing to me that there are so many genres of music, and yet they all flourish because there are so many different genres of people. Music videos, special effects, and story lines in the videos can turn people away or draw them to closer to liking the song as well. The song not only serves as a way to communicate to people, but also the video. Musicians have two mediums to really make a connection with the public with their songs, the radio and television. Of course, there are always live performances that people hope to be the same as the videos, but that is another topic in itself.

      I think music is a wonderful addition to our lives, no matter what genre people enjoy listening to. Music can talk for us when no words can be used to explain what we think or feel, and it can even make us feel something by listening or watching a video. Please just share your thoughts on which music video version you liked best, even look up the lyrics if you like, that will actually make it a better experience. I'm just interested to know how different people react to the same video shot in different ways and different versions.

-Animal By Neon Trees-

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Screaming Lights

      While driving down the road tonight, I was looking on both sides of it. I realized that there are so many places here I have yet to discover, and things I want to do. I love to find new places to shop, little mom and pop stores, and little companies. The problem is, everything is buried behind everything else. There are only a number of stores, restaurants, cafes, and shops that line the streets. Shopping centers are buried behind other shopping centers, and more shopping centers. There is so much cement that I cannot see it all.

      I noticed that is the big difference between a smaller town like Lubbock, Texas, and the Dallas, Texas area. Buildings and places in Lubbock are spaced out, easy to see, and mostly easy to find. Here in Dallas it is a maze of buildings and logos. I honestly, would hate to live in New York. I love media so much, but there gets a point for me where too much becomes noise and nothing but noise. I love the variety of new places here to experience, but I feel like I can't find them all on the same medium, so I have to look different places.

       For instance, is every business in the phone book yellow pages? The answer is no, trust me. After searching the entire yellow pages for a certain business, I go to the internet. Limited information is there, and definitely not much of it for mom and pop places.

      This lead me to thinking that smaller businesses need a bigger role in the social media and media worlds in general. Perhaps if they had a few tweaks to their Web site, a nicer Facebook page, more publicity somehow, that they could still compete with bigger businesses. So many small businesses do not have any kind of advertising. If someone sees Jimmy Johns, they just say, "Knock Knock, Jimmy Johns!" People know who that is, for the most part. I think businesses should invest in media, especially catchy jingles. There is nothing worse than getting a jingle in your head and it sticking there all day. However, it does stay with you when the subject arises!

       So, the bottom line about my babbling is this: I think smaller businesses should invest more in new media and social media, and there should be an easier way to figure out what all there is to do in a town with so much noise. There are so many advertisements on buildings shooting out at people when they drive by, it doesn't give the ones buried behind them much of a shot.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Speed of New Media

       So, today I'm slightly bitter. Let me explain. Everyone might know a guy by the name of, oh, let's say Robert Pattinson? Yeah, that's right, the Twilight guy, Edward Cullen. Here is a picture to jog your memory:
      Ok, now that I've shown you and you remember, and have possibly fainted, let me tell you a fun fact. He was in Lubbock, Texas last night. I graduated from Texas Tech in December 2009, so apparently I left before celebrities like this started hanging out at the local bar called Cricket's. It is just hard to imagine he was actually there, a place I have eaten at and drank at many times. It's almost surreal.

      Media has done this to us. It has made the super speed of information through wires and satellites possible. If this had happened even in the 90s, the information would not have spread as fast. As soon as he was spotted, you better believe that people had their cell phones and cameras pulled out. Pictures were taken, videos recorded, Facebook and Twitter statuses updated. The media took hold of the information within the hour. Of course, he is just a person like anyone else, but because of his celebrity status, he can turn a rinky-dink bar into a popular place where police are called for crowd control.  Well, let's just face it, celebrities like him don't usually just travel to places like Lubbock, Texas. And if they do, they don't go out in public. However,  'ole Rob pulled a new one on the world last night. Severely upset and bitter, I wasn't a part of it. I just wish I had a friend there to text me as soon as it happened, I would have taken a red eye flight asap. Maybe I need more friends that go to bars frequently.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

America's Achilles' Heel

Verbatim, from article at :

      Last month, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security chaired by Kyl, held a hearing on the electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, threat.
"An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack on the American homeland, said one of the distinguished scientists who testified at the hearing, is one of only a few ways that the United States could be defeated by its enemies – terrorist or otherwise," wrote Kyl "And it is probably the easiest. A single Scud missile, carrying a single nuclear weapon, detonated at the appropriate altitude, would interact with the Earth's atmosphere, producing an electromagnetic pulse radiating down to the surface at the speed of light. Depending on the location and size of the blast, the effect would be to knock out already stressed power grids and other electrical systems across much or even all of the continental United States, for months if not years." 

      What would we do? With all of America's progress with emerging media and communications, could it all just be wiped away in one instant? Imagine America, blown back to the 19th Century. All of us are pampered by technology, and what do you suppose would happen if all of a sudden it was yanked out from under us? Total chaos, that's what. Also verbatim from the article:

      "American society has grown so dependent on computer and other electrical systems that we have created our own Achilles' heel of vulnerability, ironically much greater than those of other, less developed nations," the senator wrote. "When deprived of power, we are in many ways helpless, as the New York City blackout made clear. In that case, power was restored quickly because adjacent areas could provide help. But a large-scale burnout caused by a broad EMP attack would create a much more difficult situation. Not only would there be nobody nearby to help, it could take years to replace destroyed equipment."

      Again, as I was saying, total chaos. Could anyone even imagine an America without cell phones, printers, televisions, Xbox 360s and everything else electronic? It would be the apocalypse at best. Personally, if I couldn't find a horse to jump on and make way to the country, I'd make plans for the afterlife. My big question is, WHY DON'T WE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS? Oh, that's right, because there is so much political correctness in the world that people can't even have enough common sense to do something about a country that could possibly ruin the whole world's infrastructure, not just America's. Does anyone see something wrong with that? I mean, honestly, technology triples every day, but it hasn't always been that way. America has been working long and hard on the advancement of technology and people are just beginning to see where emerging media will take us in the future. If you love anything media, and this doesn't get a rise out of you or make you a little uneasy, then you should consider a different course of study.
      People, wake up! It doesn't matter what you do for a living, I can guarantee it involves technology somewhere. This is something that should seriously be thought about and considered by every American or our welcomed guests residing here. You know, I'm a little off my rocker sometimes, and I'll be the first to tell you I'm not politically correct, but I will tell you this, I bet you I am not alone in thinking Iran is a serious problem that needs to be taken care of. I'll just let everyone sit on this, verbatim from the article:

      Kyl concluded in his report: "The Sept. 11 commission report stated that our biggest failure was one of 'imagination.' No one imagined that terrorists would do what they did on Sept. 11. Today few Americans can conceive of the possibility that terrorists could bring our society to its knees by destroying everything we rely on that runs on electricity. But this time we've been warned, and we'd better be prepared to respond."